1) World Heritage Listing
As the world's largest uplifted coral island, Rennell is home to numerous plants and animals that are endemic to the island. Lake Tenggano is found there, the largest freshwater lake in the South Pacific, and home to about 200 Iittle islands. The lake is also host to a number of rare orchids. There are also plans to submit Western Province's Marovo Lagoon for World Heritage listing.
2) Panpipe music
A visit to the Solomon Islands is never complete without exposure to the poignant sound of panpipe music. The sound comes from blowing into a bundle of different sizes of thin bamboo tubes, open at both ends or closed at the lower end. The player moves his head to blow different tubes with the pipe stationary, 'Are 'Are' pan-pipers of Malaita are famous pan-pipers and a CD of their music will be a treasured gift. Linked to panpipe music is the bamboo string band that is common in the islands.

3) Peoplefirst Network
A modern wonder for Solomon Islands, Pfnet is an email-based communication system that links the country's mainly remote and isolated communities to the worldwide world of information technology, First trialed under UNDP funding in Honiara, the Pfnet model is being adopted in at least four other countries in the Pacific. The system uses a HF-based modem using Wavemail/ Pactor-2 software. Pfnet also operates an internet cafe on the first floor of Anthony Saru Building in Honiara.
4) Rare art and craft
The wide array of art and craft makes Solomon Islands a collector's dream comes true. Crafts come in brown streaked or black ebony hardwood, and common is the Nguzunguzu, the figureheads of war canoes. Stone carving of sea and plant life is also in abundance in addition to pandanus baskets, bags and trays, some with amazingly minute patterns. Ancient currencies like Malaita's finely crafted shell money can be purchased as souveniors as they are still in circulation for traditional rituals like bride price and reconciliation ceremonies. Temotu Province has its own red feather currency.

5) Kennedy Island
So named after John F Kennedy, a young US Navy Lieutenant during WWII. He and his crew of his rammed and sinking PTI09 boat swam to the island in August 1943. Located near Gizo, the island now features in an annual Kennedy Swim attracting overseas and local open water swnnmers. Well-known underwater explorer Dr Robert Ballard under a National Geographic sponsorship located some remains of the boat in 2002.

6) Football
When the country's first eleven plays football (or soccer),the entire nation--it seems --come out to watch. Solomon Islanders are skilled football players and their top players are in high demand in neighbour countries like Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. Its national team beat other island teams to play World Cup qualifying rounds with Australia's Socceroos in 2004 and 2005, and although unsuccessful, the matches did wonder in reigniting the nation's honour and pride.
7) Head-Hunting Shrines
Solomon Islands was notoriously known for its head-hunting marauding tribes with those in Western Province the most feared.
Signs including shrines of this deadly habit remains to this day, Quite famous is the Islands of Skulls near Kundu Point and the sacred Dog Stone. Across Munda on Roviana Lagoon is Roviana Island, once home to ferocious head-hunter Ingava.