Okinawa (Okinawa-ken)

Okinawa (Okinawa-ken) is Japan's southernmost prefecture, consisting of
a few dozen, small islands in the southern half of the Nansei Shoto, the
island chain which stretches over about one thousand kilometers from Kyushu
to Taiwan.
Okinawa Prefecture can be divided into three major island groups, the
Okinawa Islands (Okinawa Shoto) around Okinawa Island (Okinawa Honto),
the Miyako Islands (Miyako Retto) around Miyako Island and the Yaeyama
Islands (Yaeyama Retto) around Ishigaki Island.
Okinawa's climate is subtropical, with temperatures barely falling below
15 degrees in winter. The seas surrounding Okinawa's islands are considered
among the world's most beautiful with coral reefs and abundant marine
wildlife. Consequently, snorkeling and scuba diving are among Okinawa's
top attractions.