Ise Shrine

The Ise Jingu consists of two shrines: the Outer Shrine (Geku), which
is dedicated to Toyouke, the Shinto deity of clothing, food and housing,
and the Inner Shrine (Naiku), which enshrines the most venerated deity
Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess. They are Shinto's most sacred shrines.
Naiku and Geku are located several kilometers apart from each other at
the foot of densely wooded hills. Unlike most other Shinto shrines, the
Ise Shrines are built in a purely Japanese architecture style which shows
almost no influence from the Asian mainland. Naiku is believed to have
been established in the 3rd century and Geku in the 5th century.
There are many temples still keep the original
shape and precept since the period when the Samura Spirits was born. Kamakura
temples are the real witness of the long and rich history especially with
Kamakura is not the city where has many temples , it is where the real
Samurai Spirits exist in those temples. There are Hokokuji Temple, Enkakuji
Enkakuji, Myohonji Enkakuji etc. in Kamakura.